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Emerson [graphic] / Engraved by Miss Emily Sartain from an unfinished Portrait by William H. Furness, Jr.

Frederick Douglass

Wm. G. Brownlow

Wm. Lloyd Garrison.

Wendell Phillips

Charles Sumner

B.F. Wade

H.B. Stowe

Henry Ward Beecher

Henry Ward Beecher.

F.X. Brenner, manufacturer and dealer in stoves, heaters, ranges and builders' hardware, tin and housefurnishing goods, No. 1621 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia.

William H. Seward

The Beecher-Tilton puzzle

Chief-Justice Chase. Portrait of the dead Chief Justice.

Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Commercial lithography. 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

Theo. Leonhardt & Son. Commercial lithography. 324 Chestnut St. Philadelphia.

The Washington family.

[Abraham Lincoln miscellany] [graphic].