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Bulls Eye, or Fort Morris, built 1755. Shippensburg, Pa.

At the Tacony Ballpark after windstorm, March 27, 1911.

"The Kenwood," Chestnut Hill, Pa.

On the midway. New Phila. County Fair, Byberry, Pa.

Engine Co. #9, Germantown.

[South side of Gordon Street west of 30th Street.]

The Settlement Music School postcards.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, South Philadelphia Branch. 2407-2417 South Broad Street.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Southwark Branch, N.W. corner Fifth and Ellsworth Streets.

Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy, S.E. corner 19th and Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Falls of the Schuylkill Branch, Warden Drive and Midvale Avenue.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Haddington Branch, S.W. corner 65th and Girard Avenue.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Kingsessing Branch, Fifty-first Street below Chester Avenue.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, McPherson Square Branch, Indiana Avenue and F Street.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Nicetown Branch, Hunting Park and Wayne Avenues.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Paschalville Branch, S.E. cor. Seventieth Street and Woodland Avenue.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Passyunk Branch, N.E. corner Twentieth and Shunk Streets.

Wharton Street Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, 54th and Catharine Street, Philadelphia.

Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Philadelphia.

Belmont Theatre, 52nd Street below Market, Philadelphia, Pa.

Old Zion's Church, 4th & Cherry Sts., -- 1766 to 1869.

Trinity Presbyterian Church, corner Cambria St. & Frankford Ave.

[The George Nugent Home for Aged Ministers and their Wives.]

Chinatown, Philadelphia, Pa. [900 block Race Street] [graphic].

Chamounix Falls postcards.

Drive near Sweet Briar Mansion postcards.

West Park Arboretum flower bed postcards.

Children's Playhouse postcards.

Tom Moore's Cottage postcards.

Frankford Arsenal postcards.

Southern Manual Training School postcards.

William Penn High School for Girls postcards.

Pennsylvania Railroad System Building, Philadelphia, Pa.

West Philadelphia Station postcards.

Shibe Park. Philadelphia, Pa. The Home of the Athletics.

United States Mint postcards.

Hotel Adelphia, Chestnut at 13th Street, nearest to everything in Philadelphia.

Cathay Restaurant, 1221-23 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. [graphic] : Music, dancing, broadcasting.

The Phipps Institute for Consumptives, 7th & Lombard Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

Train entrance of the Philadelphia subway, Front & Arch Sts. [sic], Philadelphia, Pa.

St. John's R.C. Church, Thirteenth St. above Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Rex Avenue Bridge postcards.

Happy Hollow Playground, opened April 29, 1911.

Church of the Nativity, Allegheny Ave. & Belgrade St., Philadelphia.

Two young women in front of brick wall and shutters, Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Stock Exchange postcards.

Commercial Trust Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa.

House in which John Wanamaker was born. Philadelphia.

Horticultural Hall, Broad above Spruce Streets.

Manufacturers' Club.
