Miscellaneous items from the collection, including an envelope addressed to John C. Clark; a hand-written index listing office supplies; a manuscript "List of Different Sizes of Hammersley's Newspaper Files;" a piece of scrap paper listing items "ordered from Henry Owen;" and a manuscript price list for Charlton's Combined Copying Press., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007.
Blanks are left for the prices to be added in MS., Library Company copy dated in MS. Nov. 29, 1862, with prices supplied in MS., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Gurley, Pratt & Co.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1862 Gurley 14879.Q
Caption title., At head of title: January [year?]., Commodities price list for the Boston Market, Jan. 16, 1864., Library Company copy addressed in MS. to: Levi Leonard Adams Mass.; with a Boston postmark; imperfect: torn at top, removing some text., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Harvey & Parker
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 Harvey 14387.Q
Printed on p. [1] only., Cataloging funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (PW-506-19-10), 2010-2012., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
B.L. Judson & Co.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1864 B L Juds 112601.D (Helfand)
Caption title., Signed at foot: E. Horton & Son, Windsor Locks, Conn., Includes "List of prices.", Library Company copy has prices amended in MS. with MS. note: June 1, 1863., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
E. Horton & Son
[not after 1863?]
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare #Am 1863 E.Horton 14697.Q
Title from first lines of text on p. [2]., Signed and dated on p. [4]: Great American Tea Company, importers and jobbers, 51 Vesey Street, New York. Dated December 15th, 1863., With a large illustration of the company headquarters on p. [1]., Library Company copy inscribed: Wm H. Ward., Digitized by Alexander Street Press for Images of the American Civil War.
Great American Tea Company
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare sm # Am 1863 Great Amer 16528.Q
Large circular for envelopes, writing papers, and other stationery., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large price list with diagrams of envelopes., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large price list for Sunday school cards, note paper, envelopes, and valentines., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large price list for Pettee's patent improved envelopes., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for envelopes with manuscript annotations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Circular with manuscript notations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for sealing wax, wafers, and writing inks., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Circular for labels and shipping cards., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Two copies of circular for diaries., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Two variant copies of price list, one with manuscript notations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Three variant price lists for blank books, dated February 1, 1867; July, 1867; and July, 1868., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Circular with manuscript and postage stamp., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list with manuscript notations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Two copies of price list for gum labels and notarial seals., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Booklet for copying presses and letter copying brush., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list with manuscript notations for letter clips, boxes, pen racks, and desk weights. Address "54 Cedar" is crossed out and written over with "97 Cliff.", Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Folded price list for inks and mucilage., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Two copies of price list for inks and mucilage, one with manuscript notations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Folded circular with manuscript., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for Johnson's buff tinted copying paper., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Circular for self-dating and indicating canceling stamp with blue ink stamping., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Folded circular for diaries., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large circular for diaries, wanting lower fourth., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large price list for diaries., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for diaries., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Large price list for envelopes., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for manufacturers' supplies and leather belting., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list with manuscript notation., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for elastic rings, rulers, pencils, and rubber cases., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Folded price list for diaries and the card game Bézique., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list with manuscript notations., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Two copies of price list for copying ink and letter books, with text in English, French, and German., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.
Price list for letter books and inks., Provenance: Gift of David Doret, 2007., Provenance: Advertisements in the collection were sent by various manufacturers to John C. Clark & Sons, a Philadelphia stationery firm.