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Matinee musicale by Mrs. Nevins assisted by Miss Susan Galton and others, : at the Amateur Drawing Room, 17th Street, above Chestnut, Thursday, May 20th at 12 o'clock, doors open at half past eleven. Tickets one dollar. To be had at the Drawing Room.

Programme of the order of exercises at the re-raising of the United States flag, on Fort Sumter, Charleston, S.C. : April 14th, 1865, on the fourth anniversary of the evacuation of the fort.

Horticultural Hall, Broad and Walnut Street. Amateur Minstrels, Monday evening, March 28th, 1864. : Programme. ... Doors open at 7 P.M. Performance to commence at 7 1/2. Admittance, 25 cents. Reserved seats, 25 cents extra.

Grand concert in aid of the Germantown Field-Hospital Association, and the School Lane Sewing Circle, : at Langstroth's Hall, Germantown, on Monday evening, December 12th, 1864. Carl Wolfsohn, accompanist. M.F. Aledo, leader of instrumental septette. ...

Reunion of the students and graduates of the Quaker City Business College, Thursday evening, February 14, 1867.

Georgine E. Upshur Willis collection

Scrapbook of Greeting Cards, Programs, etc.

Scrapbook of Greeting Cards, Menus, Invitations, etc.



David Doret collection of Centennial ephemera