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Come in out of the draft, or, How are you, Conscript? : comic song / music by B. Frank Walters ; words by Ednor Rossiter.

Startling from Washington! President Lincoln's vision! : Washington, June 22. How the following strange and mysterious affair has got out, it matters not for the present to be stated; but it is a well-known fact that for sometime past the national capital

New York and the army in 1862 : Shoulder-straps! by Henry Morford, Esq. editor of the "New York atlas." For sale here / Published by T.B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa.

The draft. List of diseases that will exempt from the coming draft. : Official and reliable. / Published by John J. Kromer, price $3 per hundred. Trade supplied by A. Winch, 505 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.