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Colonel Rush's Light Cavalry, Company K. Active men wanted. : The regiment is now in camp on the Second St. Road, above Nicetown Lane. This company will be fully equipped here, with horses, arms and clothing. Recruiting stations, No. 403 Chestnut Street.

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company F. / Lieut. J. Alfred Kay, is now recruiting at Bruner's Hotel, Germantown. (Turn over

Bürger! Euer Land ist in Gefahr : Zu den Waffen! Zu den Waffen! 121stes Regiment, P.V. Körperlich fähige Männer verlangt in Col. Chapman Bittles Regiment. ... 160 dollars bounty, ... / Fried. König, im Auftrag von J.G. Rosengarten Capt., Comp. D. Werbe-Bu

$160 bounty, and one month's pay in advance. Chapman Biddle's 121st Regiment, P.V. Company D. / T.E. Zell, recruiting officer. Apply at No. 431 Chestnut Street. (Turn over

Recruits wanted Phoenix Regiment Corcoran Zouaves! : Fourth Reg't Empire Brigade James C. Burke, Col. M.D. Smith, Lieut-Col. $60 cash in hand! Arise, young men, and come forward to your country's call, and to the support of your brethren now in the field.

Philadelphia Light Cavalry Col. Rich'd Henry Rush, accepted by the War Department for three years or the war. : Principal rendezvous, 833 Market St. This regiment offers to active young men who desire at once to go to duty, peculiar advantages. The muster

Active men wanted! For the Second Regiment Penn'a Cavalry! : Col. R. Butler Price, now in camp near Darby. Men joining this regiment will be uniformed and fed at once. Pay as follows: 1st sergeant, $22 Other sergeants, 19 Corporals, $16 Privates, 14 Farri

Cavalry recruits wanted! For the defence of our good old state. : Able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 50, who wish to serve in a regiment with officers who have seen active service in the field, and commanded by Colonel John H. Gardiner late Major

The Last and only chance as cavalry! : A company now forming. All bounties offered by the U. States, state & city, will be given to recruits. Head quarters, Ridge Avenue below Poplar. / Amos Pennebaker, Lieutenant. T.A. Byrnes, Captain.

Recruits wanted for the Second Corps! : Now being raised to 50,000 men for special service under the command of Maj. Gen. Hancock. This is the corps commanded by the late Major General Sumner, at Fair Oaks, and through the Peninsula Campaign and at Antiet

To the rescue! Bucks County expects every man to do his duty. : $152 bounty! And one month's pay in advance. One flag! One country! Don't wait to be drafted, but come at once and enroll in the new Bucks Co. company now forming in Doylestown, to serve for

The largest bounties! $602.00 $702.00 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of the gallant Second Corps of Gen. Hancock. : Head-quarters, No. 6 Main Street, Doylestown, Pa. Recruits for this corps receive all the government and county bounties. The go

Recruits wanted! 104th Pennsylvania Regiment! : Wanted for the Ringgold Regiment, {104th} Pennsylvania Volunteers, a number of good men, pay and rations to commence upon enrollment. Bounties: By the the United States, $100 00 By Bucks County, 50 00 Enroll

Seward Artillerie erstes deutsches Regiment. : Col. H.T. Fach. Artilleristen, die wünschen, sich dem obigem Regimente anzuschliessen, find hiermit aufgefordert, sich an unten folgenden Plätzen zu melden. Col. Fach besitzt Authorität. ... / Carl Angeroth,

Col. Wm. A. Gray. Fall in! Fall in!! Fall in!!! : Recruits wanted! This is the last regiment authorized by the War and State departments. $152 bounty! $152 Recruits mustered in, uniformed and sent to camp immediately! Each recruit furnished with a gum bla

Fall in! Fall in! : Recruits wanted for Company "K" Commercial Regiment, Colonel Letcher, for 100 days' service. $50 and all other bounties, as soon as mustered in. Head quarters, 112 S. Fourth Street, and Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Sts., West Phi

$50 bounty! Cadwalader Greys Regiment. : Recruits wanted for 100 days' service! Pay $16 per month. / Col. Wm. H. Sickels, Lieut. Col. Richard A. Thomas, Maj. Charles M. Tapper, Adjt. A.W. Thompson.

Attention Zouaves : A few young men wanted to join the Independent Zouave skirmishers attached to General Baker's Brigade, now under marching orders, and rapidly filling up. All desirous of enrolling themselves in a first class organization, under able of

D'Epineuil Zouaves Co. I. : Head quarters, S.E. cor. Third and Gaskill Streets. Good men wanted! To join this handsome regiment, now at camp, at Staten Island. / Geo. W. Bratton, Captain.

The Imperial Zouaves! : Wanted, at once, 20 men to complete a company of the splendid regiment of Col. D'Epineuil Pay and rations commence at once. Look at the imposing uniform---furnished at once. Recruiting office, at [blank] house for three days. Head-

To arms! To arms! Our state must be defended! : "Action, not words!" Volunteers wanted for a short term of state service, in Company H, Second Regiment, Penn'a S.M. Pay and rations same as in U.S.A. Apply at once, at 241 Dock St., below Third, / to Capt.

Independent company for 100 days! $50 bounty. : Having been authorized by the Adjutant General of the state to raise an independent company for 100 days, I shall open a recruiting office at 808 Cherry St. where all young men are requested to call and enro

National Guard! $50 bounty! : Recruits wanted for 100 days! The roll of Company "E" is now open at the armory,---Race Street below Sixth. / Captain Raymond, recruiting officer.

National Guard Regiment. 100 days' service 100 $50 bounty! : Citizens, rally! Defend your state and stand by your country and its cause.---You are wanted now!! Recruits wanted for Co. K. Apply at N.E. cor. 9th & Shippen. / Paul L. Levis, Captain and recru

Flying artillery : Fifty good men wanted to fill up Capt. Massey's Company I Flying Artillery! To be attached to the Continental Cavalry, commanded by Col. Peyton. Government and city bounties given. All men joining this company will be clothed immediatel

Last chance! To arms! To arms! Now is the time to enlist! : If you wait until the first of September, when the order for drafting will be surely enforced! Married men will lose the state bounty of $6 per month, & single men that of $2. The 1st nine months

We are off for Dixie Pennsylvania sharpshooters! : Under orders from the government. Volunteers wanted for Capt. Paxon's Co. in this crack regiment. As much bounty as any other regiment! / Apply to Wm. Wrigley, Lieutenant and recruiting officer, N.E. cor.

Volunteers wanted! For Company F, Col. Staunton's regiment, Pennsylvania sharp shooters. : Pay and rations begin when enrolled. Roll open here. Head quarters N.W. cor. Fourth & Walnut. / John J. Gill, 1st Lieut. Geo. B. Laird, 2d " George W. Kite, Captain

"We are off for Dixie!" Recruits wanted for the Gymnast Zouaves! : To be attached to Col. Johnson's 146th Reg., P.V., and have been accepted by the government. Bounties as follows: $90 cash; $75 at expiration of service. Apply at the armory, No. 37 South

"We are off for Dixie!" Recruits wanted for the famous Ellsworth Zouave Corps! : To be attached to Col. Johnson's 146th Reg., P.V., and have been accepted by the government. Bounties as follows: $90 cash; $75 at expiration of service. Head quarters, N.E.

Draft! Draft! Draft! Attention! Attention! : To all loyal citizens! Will you stand still and be drafted while your country needs your services. Come on and get your bounty. $500 for one year only. Fall in and join Company "C" Philadelphia Guards! Rendezvo

Defend the state! $60 bounty $60 bounty : Headquarters 1st Reg't Infantry, P.H.G. No. 7 State House Row. This regiment is recruiting for 3 months! Under the call of the governor, to defend the state of Penn'a. Commanders of companies will report daily at

A rare chance Recruits wanted for the Second Regiment Irish Brigade, : Col. Robt. E. Patterson. Men equipped when mustered in. Pay commences immediately! Rations and comfortable quarters provided. Apply at the recruiting stations, No. 1215 Market Street,

Sons of Erin fight by each other's side! : 3d Irish Volunteers This fine regiment is nearly full and only requires a few more good Irishmen to complete Company I. Apply at the tent in the park, / to Capt. Welply, Lieuts. L.M. Ahearn, D. M'Carthy,

To arms! To arms! State defence! 4th Penn'a artillery! : Colonel Chas. Angeroth, has just returned from Harrisburg with orders to recruit a regiment of artillery for six months service in the state defence. All the state and city bounty given! Rally under

Largest bounties! $650 $750 Recruits wanted for the Penn'a Volunteers of Hancock's gallant Second Corps or any Pennsylvania regiment. : Head-quarters, American and Master Streets. Recruits for this corps receive all government, city & ward bounties. The g

$50 bounty! : The glorious old National Guard once more in the field. Recruits wanted in Company "B" for 100 days' service. Harmanus Neff, Colonel commanding. Apply at the National Guards' Hall, Race Street, below Sixth. / 1st Lieut. G.W. Green. 2d " Wm.

Head quarters Cadwalader Regim't, S.W. corner Ninth and Walnut Streets, (second and third stories.) : Recruits wanted for three years or during the war. United States bounty, $100. City bounty, 50. One month's pay in advance ... Premium for enlishment, ..

Recruits wanted! For Company G, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, : Armory: 803 Locust St., a few will be received by applying immediately, to serve for three months unless sooner discharged Pay commences from time of enlistment. / Capt. Geo. West Blake. J. F

Company C, Third Regiment, Reserve Brigade : Recruits wanted immediately for Co. C, 3d Regiment, Reserve Brigade, now recruiting at Commissioners' Hall, 37th & Market Streets to serve under the call of the governor, for a period of three months, unless so

$160 bounty! The Philadelphia Light Guard! : 145th Reg't P.V. Colonel E.W. Davis Recruits wanted for Company E of this regiment, now in camp. Recruiting station, Masonic Hall, Manayunk! / Capt. S. Wrigley, 1st Lieut. Jacob Heidenger, 2d Lieut. [blank]

To arms! Awake! Defend your state! : Men wanted to fill Company B Fourth Regiment, Reserve Brigade! Three months' service! All city bounties secured. Arms, clothing and all necessities furnished. Fall in! Recruiting office: Main Street above Price, German

To arms! To arms!! Armory Co. G. 3d Reserve Brigade, : No. 803 Locust St. / Geo. West Blank, Captain. Frank Mills, 1st Lieut. Benj. G.S. Wilk, 2nd Lieut. W.H.H. Lockhart, O.S. Come and join us.

Active young men wanted, to join a company, to be attached to Col. D'Epineuil's Zouave-Regiment, : now at camp, at Staten Island, N.Y. Head-quarters, 403 Walnut Street. / G. W. Bratton, Capt. ... Jenkins, 1st Lieut. ... Casiday 2d Lieut.

Co. C. / Capt. Henry C. Whelan. 1st Lieut. Chas. L. Leiper 2d Lieut. H.P. Muirheid.

Aufgepaszt!!! Col. Bohlen : Sibt ein Handgeld von drei Dollars jedem gesunden un kräftigen Voluntär. Sofortige Verpflegung und Beköstigung!! Hauptquartier, No. 344 Nord Dritte Strasse.

Achtung! 40stes Regiment Pennsylv. Voluntairs, General Henry Bohlen, Camp, Hunter's Chapel, Va. : Jeder eingemusterte Mann erhält sofort drei Dollars handgeld, un wird vollständig ausgerüstet, und mit Springfield Büchlen vom Jahre 1861 bewaffnet, ehe er z

Col. J.C. Hess, commanding. Exempt from the draft! : To serve for six months! Pay the same as the regular army! Recruiting offices: 221 Race Street, and 110 South 6th. / Maj. Robert Morris, " B.T. Janney.

First Penn'a Cavalry! : Col. J.C. Hess, comd'g. Recruits wanted for Co. E! $165 bounty! $65 cash in hand! When mustered in. Headquarters, No. 24 North Sixth St. / A.C. Roberts, Capt. Augustus Kerns, 1st Lieut. R.H. Burnham, 2d Lieut.

First Pennsylvania Cavalry! : Col. J.C. Hess, comd'g. For state defence! Headquarters, 221 Race Street, / Maj. B.T. Janney.
