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[Incomplete set of "Series C" of "Hidden Book Titles" rebus puzzle card game] [graphic].

United States of America. Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

United States of America. Bucks County, Pennsylvania. : Be it remembered, that at a Court of Common Pleas, held at Doylestown, for the county of Bucks, in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the United States of America, on the [blank] day of [blank] in

Bought of H.O.D. Banks & Co., wholesale dealers in drugs, chemicals, paints, glass, coal oil, & c. Store, s. w. cor. fourth & Callowhill Sts.

Bought of Artman, Dillinger & Co. Wholesale dealers in cotton yarns, carpet chain, carpets, ratting, wadding, tie, and wick yarns, oil cloths, window sh[ades], door mats, grain bags, cordage brushes, looking glasses, wood[en] [a]nd willow ware, &c. 104 No

Bought of C. Cumming & Co. Manufacturers & dealers in twine, glues, curled hair, hide whips, sand paper, lace leather, horns, bones, neats' foot oil, plastering hair & c. Factory -St. John STreet, above Beaver, Philad'a. Stores---nos. 3, 5 & 7 South Third

Bush's Allegheny House, Market Street, Above Eighth. C. I. Bush, prop'r.

Delavan House, Chas. E. Leland & Co., proprietors. Warren F. Leland.

A. Gsell, dealer in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, hats, hardware, groceries, produce, salt, fish, &c. Clearspring, - MD.

[Billheads of George Walker, druggist, Hall's X Roads, Aberdeen, Md.]

[Letterhead of The Pharmaceutical Era, D. C. Haynes & Co., publishers, New York]

[Billheads of John L. Singer & Co., later Singer & Bistline, dealer in drugs, paints, oils, and notions, Newport, Perry County, Pa.]

Bean & Stevenson, importers and wholesale druggists, store, 47 and 49 N. Second Street. Sole proprietors of angora, white lead, and color works! And royal spice mills.

Bought of Browning & Brothers, wholesale druggists, and dealers in white and red lead, litharge, linseed oil, oil of vitriol, window glass, putty, dye stuffs, &c.&c. No. 33 Market Street.

[Billheads of C.J. Lincoln Co.,wholesale druggists, Little Rock, Arkansas]

Bought of Marsh, Northrop & Co., wholesale dealers in drugs, medicines, chemicals, perfumery, stationery, spices, dry-woods, dye-stuffs, paints, oils &c. Burning fluid, alcohol, camphene & spirits turpentine, at manufacturer's prices.

To A. M. Knowlson, dr. Pharmaceutist, natural flowers of every description, for parties, weddings, funerals, &c., furnished at short notice. No. 350 Broadway, Troy, N.Y.

Bought of Collins Brothers Drug Company, wholesale druggists. 418, 420, 422 & 424 N. 2d. St.

[Billheads of Benjamin W. Fetters, wholesale druggist, N.E. cor. Third & Brown Streets, Philadelphia]

Bought of Potts & Roberts, importers and dealers in foreign and American iron & steel and heavy hardware. Warehouse, Third & Willlow Sts.

To Read & Sutters, dr. Chair manufacturers, S.W. cor. Front & Green Streets, No. 536 North Front St., ware room second story.

Bought of Geo. D. Sprecher, importer and dealer in foreign and domestic hardware, saddlery, cutlery, paints, oils, varnishes, glass &c. A general assortment of bar, hoop, & sheet iron, steel, lead pipe, safety fuse, rock powder, cedar ware, cabinet moldin

Bought of Barker, Moore, Mein, wholesale druggists and paint dealers, no. 609 Market Street, above Sixth.

Bought of George W. Taylor, n.w. corner of Fifth and Cherry Sts. Free labor warehouse. Free labor produce exclusively. Dry goods & groceries, wholesale and retail.

John Kean, on the corner of Market and Third Streets. : Philadelphia, [blank] 1783. [blank] bought of John Kean,

The Great American Tea Company, No. 51 Vesey Street, New York, take pleasure in sending their price list of teas, : which are marked at two cents (.02 cents) per pound above cost, believing this to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying

J. P. Mounier & Lallou, hair dressers from Paris and ornamental hair manufacturers, wholesale & retail, no. 28 South Fourth Street, corner of Ranstead's Court, (nearly opposite the Indian Queen Hotel,) between Market and Chesnut [sic] Streets, Philadelphi

Mechanical target and gun. Mutual Novelty Manufacturing Co., 813 Girard Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

The Moser & Lyon Co., manufacturing stationers, 216 S. Clinton St., Syracuse, N.Y.

Raffaele Orlando, tin smith, 1213 So. 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Woolson Spice Co., manufacturers of Lion Coffee, spices, baking powder, etc. Toledo, Ohio.

The Shaker extract of roots. Sold by A.J. White, New York City. Office, 29 Murray Street.

Samuel Hart & Co. Philadelphia and New York.

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1845-1879]

[Collection of billheads of pharmaceutical firms and related businesses, United States, 1852-1878]

May I. C. U. home?

Yohn's carriage manufactory, cor. Apple and Evans streets, Pottstown, Pa.

Biddle Hardware Co., Philadelphia.

Jno. Adams, general agent for the Parsons oil burner, Bradford, Pa.

[Billheads from Omaha, Nebraska businesses issued to Dr. Charles L. Heizmann]

Centennial buildings at Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Penn.

[Centennial Exhibition raffle trade cards advertising the New American sewing machine manufactured by American B.H.O. (Button Hole Overseaming) Machine Co., 1318 Chestnut St., Philadelpia, Pa.]

W.G. Moore, successor to Seltzer & Moore, wholesale and retail mule dealers, Womelsdorf, Pa.

C. H. Frederick, Omaha.

The National Live Stock Journal, handsomely illustrated, contains 48 large pages, devoted to the interests of stock breeders and farmers.

5 merits. Punctuality. Attention. Dilligence.

Twenty five. Merits

[Business correspondence of New York chemist Charles Rice]

[Business stationery of Joseph M. Schmitt, pharmacist, dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, etc., 312 North Avenue, Rochester, N.Y.]

[Collection of business stationery of C.H. Butterworth & Co., wholesale druggists and dealers in paint, Philadelphia, Pa.]
