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[Interior of Christ Church, Philada. in 1785] [graphic].

Second Street north from Market St. wth. Christ Church. Philadelphia [graphic] / Drawn & engraved by W. Birch & Son.; Published by R. Campbell & Co. No. 30 Chesnut [sic] Street Philada.

Kill-Patrick suppressing the riot. [graphic].

Semmes motto "I am here" [graphic].

Hart's Building, north side of Chestnut east from Sixth St. [graphic].

I cannot sing the old songs. Or, the late home of a Union soldier. [graphic] / Designed and published by N. Monroe, M.D., Philadelphia.

Liberty [graphic] / Photo. and published by H.W. Horton, 5 Summer St., Boston.


Macbeth. November 16, 1861 [graphic].

John Collins [graphic].

Napoleon III [graphic].

Edwin Booth [graphic] / Gladding.

Billy Morris [graphic] / [Gladding]

The New York Post boy [graphic].

The three graces [graphic].

The two Napoleons [graphic].

The reliable gentleman [graphic].

Intelligent contraband [graphic].

The guerrilla chieftan. [graphic].

[Caricature of Jefferson Davis attired as a Chinese man] [graphic].

It's no use knocking at the door. [graphic].

It's no use knocking at the door. [graphic].

Jefferson Davis smelleth a mice and reflects. [graphic].

I wish I was in Dixie [graphic].


[Photographic reproduction of a caricature of Abraham Lincoln attired as an elderly woman] [graphic].

The negro on the brain. [graphic].


Resurgam. In memory of our late president. [graphic].

President Lincoln's hearse.

Joseph Hooker [graphic].

Lincoln's "guardian angel." [graphic].

The happy governor of Massachusetts [graphic].

Caught at last! [graphic].

"We fights mit Sigel" [graphic].

A copperhead [graphic].

A copperhead [graphic].

A nest of copperheads [graphic].

Southern tombstones

Our modern infant Hercules [graphic].

"The swamp angel" [graphic] / G. T. Lape, photographer, 146 Chatham St., N.Y.

"Done gone." [graphic].

"Columbia rode safe through the storm." [graphic].

"The reliable gentleman" [graphic] / Th. Nast.

[African American boy playing soldier] [graphic] / Th. Nast.

Hawkins Zouaves 9th Regt. [graphic] / Gurney & Son, photo. N.Y.

Home on sick leave. [graphic] / Gurney & Son, photo. N.Y.

New York Light Guard [graphic] / Gurney & Son, photo. N.Y.

[Order by Charles Howard, President of the Baltimore Board of Police, dated April 22, 1861, allowing passage of a party en route through the city for private business] [graphic].

Cabinet series - No. 5. "Bombastes furioso." [graphic].
