Sheet music cover containing an interior view showing children at dance class at the physical institute operated by Miecislaw Hlasko. A mother introduces her son to the instructor as boy-girl and girl-girl couples perform different dance steps. Parents watch the children from the dance floor and other chaperones and children sit on a long cushioned bench lining a side of the hall. Two musicians play from a raised platform adorned with a balustrade in the background. Space also includes chandeliers and a skylight., Prices printed on recto: Colored 4 1/2; Plain 3., Includes the sheet music., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 629, Gift of David Doret.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Sheet Music Germ 11309.F (Doret)
Sheet music cover containing a portrait of a woman attired in a bloomer costume, standing in front of the storefront of music publishers Lee & Walker on the 600 block of Chestnut Street. The lady holds a blue parasol, and wears a corseted pink-colored coat and pale yellow skirt over her white bloomers. A model harp adorns the door of the music store in which a female patron wearing a bloomer costume enters. Also shows the neighboring J. A. Robinson bookstore (162, i.e., 632 Chestnut). Pedestrians, including another woman in bloomers, walk on the sidewalk, past the store, and look in its window. The bloomer costume gained notoriety from an 1851 depiction of women's rights advocate Amelia Bloomer in this style of reform dress comprised of Turkish pantaloons and a skirt., Additional distributors printed on recto: New York, Wm. Hall & Son; Memphis, Ten. P. Flavio; and New Orleans, Wm. T. Mayo., Printed on recto: Plain 25 cts net. Colored 38., Accompanied by the sheet music., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 756, Library Company of Philadelphia: Sheet Music 11855.F (Doret). Copy gift of David Doret., Historical Society of Pennsylvania: Ba 38 L 477, Free Library of Philadelphia Music Department holds copy., Inscribed on verso of HSP copy: April 2, 1958. Mifflin Fund.
Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, artist
Historical Society of Pennsylvania HSP Bb 38 L 477