In Read, T.B. Female poets of America (Philadelphia, 1849), plate opposite p. 87., Facsimile signature: Emma C. Embury., Waist-length portrait of the writer, wearing a lace garment.
In Edmond, A.M. Broken vow (Boston, 1845), frontispiece., Facsimile signature: Amanda M. Edmond., Three-quarter length portrait of the writer, seated holding a closed book, with another book nearby.
In Read, T.B. Female poets of America (Philadelphia, 1849), plate opposite p. 225, Facsimile signature: Amelia B. Welby, Waist-length portrait of the writer.
In Read, T.B. Female poets of America (Philadelphia, 1849), plate opposite p. 305., Facsimile signature: E.C. Kinney., Waist-length portrait of the writer.
In Read, T.B. Female poets of America (Philadelphia, 1849), plate opposite p. 265., Facsimile signature: Anne C. Lynch., Bust-length portrait of the writer.