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Benevolent institutions.

Second Street Market, Second and Pine

Second Street Market, Second and Pine [graphic] / M.P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.

Continental Hotel, Philada.

[Entrance to Printers' Cemetery at Woodlands Cemetery, 3900 Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia]

Arch St. Theatre, above 6th St., Phila.

Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon and Hospital

Marble monument of John M. Clayton at Dover Del. executed by J. Struthers & Son, Philada. [graphic].

First Presbyterian Church, Elizabethtown, N.J. [graphic].

[Funeral procession for President Lincoln, Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, Pa.]

St. Clement's church, Easter 1865

Firemen's Department.

Horticultural Hall.

Galeries Francais, fontes d'art

Beaux arts, section Francaise (No. 1)

Beaux arts, section Italienne (No. 13).

Parc Francais, terres cuites

Chasseurs et chevaux, Amerique du Sud.

Lustres, section Belge.

Perspective de la galerie Suédoise

Le cavalier Marocain.

Distribution des récompenses vue générale, no. 2.

Beaux arts, section Italienne (No. 29).

Jardin central. Groups de statues (No. 16)

Bronzes d'art, le Charmeur de serpents.

Porcelaines de Prusse.

Porcelaines de Prusse.

Parc Français. Artillerie.

Parc Francais, la galvanoplastic.

Jardin d'horticulture, le Ruisseau G[illegible] serre

View at Germantown.

Broad St. east side bel. Oxford St. Phila.

[Chestnut Street from the Custom House, Philadelphia]

St. Aulyn's mansion, Chelten Hills, Pa.

Lemon Hill mansion park.

Steamboat A. Johnson, [St. Louis Keokuk Packet Co.]

Street cars, Philadelphia.

Fulton Ferry [Brooklyn, N.Y.]

North side of Green St. east of 22nd, Philadelphia.

Bronson's block after the fire.

Public Garden.

Residence of Lt. General Grant as it appeared April 15, 1865

Views of a U.S. Army Hospital Department No. 9 ambulance in a lumber yard, probably in Washington, D.C

Carpenters' Hall. Rear of 322 Chestnut Street.

Interior of Carpenters Hall.

Fountain - Franklin Square, Phila.

Birth place of Benj. West, Springfield, Delaware Co. Pa.

Post Office, Philadelphia.

Post Office, Philadelphia. [graphic] / M. P. Simons, 1320 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, landscape and portrait photographer.

Fairmount and vicinity.
