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[G. Byron Morse trade cards]

[Kennedy Bros. trade cards]

[The Singer Manufacturing Company trade cards]

[S. Shoneman trade cards]

[Brownings trade cards]

[African American boy shoe shine being kicked by a white boy clown] [graphic].

Out of Vacuum Harness Oil in an inland town. People cannot exist without it. Sold by WM. R. Fero, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, hats, etc. Glen, N.Y. [graphic].

Smith brothers chemically pure Borax. [graphic].

[Times Printing House trade cards]

[Wanamaker's Dining Rooms trade cards]

[Joseph Juél trade cards]

[A.C. Yates & Co. clothing trade cards]

[Hale, Kilburn & Co. trade cards]

[John Wanamaker & Co., 818, 820 & 822 Chestnut Street trade cards]

Scrapbook of Trade Cards, Holiday Cards, etc.


Scrapbook of Greeting Cards, Programs, etc.

Scrapbook of Greeting Cards, Menus, Invitations, etc.

