Trade card depicting well-dressed children on the central promenade of Independence Square when used as Camp Independence, Civil War recruitment camp, in September and October 1862. Tents manned by soldiers line the promenade and the children who carry drums, flags, and a hoop, walk between a group of men and a mother and son. Mary Shoemaker operated from 2 North Eighth Street circa 1862-circa 1864., Printed on recto: Childrens Central Clothing Emporium. M. Shoemaker No. 2 North Eighth Street Philadelphia., Philadelphia on Stone, POS 380, Wainwright retrospective conversion project., Originally part of a McAllister scrapbook of Civil War miscellanies., Philadelphia on Stone
Queen, James Fuller, 1820 or 21-1886, lithographer
Library Company of Philadelphia | Print Department W183 [(2)5786.F.138b]