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Beat Back the Hun with Liberty Bonds

Americans All!

All Together! Enlist in the Navy

All About Liberty Bonds

4 Minute Men, The Capitol

4 Minute Men, Independence Hall

America's Immortals, John J. Kelly

America's Immortals, James I. Mestrovitch

America's Immortals, Edward J. Marz Jr.

America's Immortals, Alan Louis Eggers

All-America Thinks and Acts on National Thrift Day, Feb. 3

American's Immortals, Harold A. Furlong

Are You 100% American?

"Ammunition!" And remember--Bonds buy Bullets!

America's Immortals, Thomas O. Neibour

America's Immortals, Andrew B. Lynch

America's Immortals, Harold W. Roberts

America's Immortals, Donald M. Call

America's Immortals, Marcellus H. Chiles

America's Immortals, James C. Dozier

America's Immortals, George H. Mallon

America's Immortals, George Dilboy

Before Sunset Buy a U.S. Government Bond of the 2nd Liberty Loan of 1917

Be a U.S. Marine

Blood or Bread

Ask Yourself a Question, Let W.S.S. be your Answer,Govt. Loan Organization

Board and Lodgings for Relatives of Soldiers and Sailors

Books Wanted for our Men

America's Immortals, Richard H. Hilton

America's Immortals, Oscar F. Miller

The Building of the Temple, A Pageant Set to Music

Building For Health

Answer the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call

The Arch of Freedom, Official Sketch of the Temporary Memorial Arch

Are You Building a Foundation for the Future

And They Thought We Couldn't Fight

Are You Working with Schwab?

British Official War-Exhibit

The Cross and the Crusaders!!

Can Vegetables Fruit and the Kaiser Too

Columbia Calls, Enlist Now for U.S. Army

Come On! Buy more Liberty Bonds

Buy Liberty Bonds [portrait of Lincoln]

Buy W.S.S. and "Help Crush 'Kaiserism'"

Corn, The Food of the Nation

The Court of Honor, South Broad St., Philadelphia, April 21-May 10, 1919

Clear the Way!! Buy Bonds

Buy a Liberty Bond

Cardinal Mercier Le Cardinal supplie l'Adminstration-Alimentaire
