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- Title
- Procession au grand serpent pour le Couronnement du Roy de Juda fait le 15 April 1725
- Description
- Large aerial depiction of the procession of the grand serpent for the coronation of the King of Juda (French Guiana). While the King does not appear himself, notable figures include the master of ceremonies (Fig. T, in the middle of the image, slightly left of center), the King's mother (Fig. 4, to the right of the palm tree in the central foreground), and the grand sacrificer (Fig. 7, below the King's mother). Several troops of musketeers, numerous bands of trumpeters, flutists, and drummers, and many of the King's wives are included in the engraving as well. Two groups of women (Fig. L and Fig. R) carry offerings for the grand serpent, whose mosque appears in the upper left-hand corner (Fig. D)., Fold-out plate in Jean Baptiste Labat's Voyage du chevalier Des Marchais en Guinée, isles voisines, et a Cayenne, Fait en 1725, 1726, & 1727 (A Amsterdam: aux dépens de la Compaigne, M.DCC.XXXI [1731], vol. 2, p. 154., The key underneath the image reads as follows: A. Rade des Vaisseaux; B. Tentes des Vaisseaux sur le bord de la Coste; D. Mosquée du Grand Serpent; E. Le peuple assis; F. Six chasse Cocquins avec leurs Baguettes; G. 40 Mosquetaires; H. 20 Trompettes; I. 20 Tambouers; K. 20 Flutes; L. 12 Femmes du Roy Portant des presens au Serpent; M. Premier Valet de Chambre du Roy; N. 20 Trompettes; O. 40 Mosquetaires; P. 20 Tambours; Q. 20 Flutes; R. 12 Femmes du Roy Portans des Viures pour le Serpent; S. 3 Nains du Roy; T. Maitre des Ceremonies; V. 40 Mosquetaires; X. 20 Tambours; Y. 20 Trompettes; Z. 20 Flutes; 1. 12 Femmes du Roy Portant les presens de sa mere; 2. Trois Valets Portant la Chaise de la Mere du Roy; 3. Trois Nains du Roy; 4. La Mere du Roy; 5. 3 Dames du Palais; 6. Musique du Serail par les Femmes; 7. Grand Sacrifficateur; 8. 40 Mosquetaires., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Creator
- Putter, K. De, engraver
- Date
- [1731]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1731 Lab 1691.D v 2 p 154, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2965
- Title
- Habillement des grands / Habillement des Femmes du Roy
- Description
- The plate accompanies Chapter VIII, "Mouers & Coûtumes du Royaume de Juda." The engraving on the left shows the dress of the nobility and the King's wives in Juda (now in French Guiana). Their headwear is particularly notable, with the King's wife wearing a tall straw bonnet. The image on the right shows various weapons, tools, and musical instruments used by the people of Juda, and includes an iron flute, a drum, a hoe, a bow and arrow, and swords made from iron and wood., Fold-out plate in Jean Baptiste Labat's Voyage du chevalier Des Marchais en Guinée, isles voisines, et a Cayenne, Fait en 1725, 1726, & 1727 (A Amsterdam: aux dépens de la Compaigne, M.DCC.XXXI [1731], vol. 2, p. 194., The key underneath the engraving on the left reads as follows: "1. Instrument fait en Visse rempli d'anneaux de Cuivre au bout du quel est un Coq de Cuivre servant a la musique du Roy. 2. Cruche de terre Couverte de peau servant de tambour pour les Femmes du Roy. 3. Panier dozier rempli de Cocquilles qui sert a la musique du Roy.", Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Africa: Images, Maps, and Geography.
- Date
- [1731]
- Location
- Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1731 Lab 1691.D v 2 p 194, https://digital.librarycompany.org/islandora/object/Islandora%3A2964