Domestic scene showing the household of an emancipated black family. In the center of the scene, a woman stands with her infant child. She is flanked by her young son, who stands to the left, and by her husband and a third child, who are seen at the right. Seated on a low stool, the husband reads from a book, presumably the Bible. Some work gear and instruments hang on the wall: a basket, a straw hat, and two hoes. Another family can be seen through an open doorway, and a church is visible in the distant background., Cover page of Negro's Friend: on the ease, safety, and advantages of liberating the enslaved Negroes; and on compensation to their masters (London: Printed by Bagster and Thoms, 1830?)., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Anti-Slavery Movement Imagery.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1830 Neg Fri 67066.D front cover,
Title page vignette to Heyrick's militant call for immediate and uncompensated abolition of slavery revises the classic antislavery symbol of the supplicant slave, kneeling prayerfully and pleading "Am I not a man and a brother." In Heyrick's version, the supplicant stands upright, with broken chains at his feet and declares "I am a man, your brother.", Title page vignette in Elizabeth Heyrick's Immediate, Not Gradual Abolution (London: printed by R. Clay, Devonshire-Street, Bishopsgate.: Sold by F. Westley, 10, Stationers' Court; & S. Burton, 156, Leadenhall Street; and by all booksellers and newsmen, 1824)., Caption reads: "He hath made of one blood all nations of men." -- Acts xvii. 26., Fels Afro-Americana Image Project, Anti-Slavery Movement Imagery.
Library Company of Philadelphia | Books & Other Texts | Rare Am 1824 Heyr 70373.O title page vignette,