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Knights of Pythias [membership certificate]

Compliments of Ketterlinus Printing House. Philadelphia.

[Geo. S. Harris & Sons.] Printers & lithographers. Nos. 718, 720, 722, 724 Arch St. Philadelphia.

Fire Association of Philadelphia

The Prospect Brewing Co. Eleventh, Oxford & Marvine Sts. Philadelphia, Pa.

The rail candidate. [graphic]

"The nigger" in the woodpile. [graphic]

Arms of ye confederacie. [graphic] / H.H. Tilley Del. et Sc.

The (Fort) Monroe doctrine. [graphic]

Oh! Massa Jeff dis sesesh fever will kill de nigger. [graphic] / [FJB?]

John Bull makes a discovery. [graphic]

The house that Jeff built. [graphic]

The question settled. [graphic] / Geo. Whiting, 87 Fulton St. New York; Phelps & Watson, 18 Beekman St. New York.

The disappointed abolitionists. [graphic] / C.

Senate chamber U.S.A. Conclusion of Clay's speech in defense of slavery. [graphic]

Handicap race presidential stakes 1844. [graphic] /. EWC.

The slavery question: Great prize-fight of the American eagle against the wolf and alligator. [graphic] / WA.

The Clay compromise - a settler. [graphic]

The resurrection of Henry Box Brown at Philadelphia [graphic] : Who escaped from Richmond Va. in a box 3 feet long 2 1/2 ft. deep and 2ft. wide. / Kramer, del.

'Conquering prejudice, 'or 'fulfilling a constitutitional duty with alacrity.' [graphic] /. P. Kramer.

Practical illustration of the fugitive slave law. [graphic] /. EC, del.

A grand slave hunt, or trial of speed for the presidency, between celebrated nags Black Dan, Lewis Cass, and Haynau. [graphic] /. T.C., del.

The Cincinnati platform, or the way to make a new state in 1856. [graphic]

The great presidential race of 1856. [graphic]

The Democratic platform [graphic]

The chivalry at the English court. [graphic]

Speech of Andrew Johnson. : Governor Andrew Johnson's speech to the colored people of Nashville on the 24th ultimo, already noticed, is fully reported by a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, who says ...

Fixing a block-head to the Constitution or putting a wart on the nose of old ironsides. [graphic]

Slave emancipation; or John Bull gulled out of twenty million. [graphic]

Immediate emancipation illustrated. [graphic]

Lapsley Family Business Records. 1805-1817 (inclusive).

Peter S. Du Ponceau Papers. 1787-1844 (inclusive).

Godfrey Weber Papers. 1802-1844 (inclusive).

Oswald Family Papers. 1792-1816 (inclusive).

Albert Newsam Papers. 1833-1864 (inclusive).

Watson & Paul Business Records, 1792-1807.

Civil War Manuscripts, 1854-1868 (inclusive).

John B. Budd Business Records, 1820-1846 (inclusive).

[George Washington crossing the Delaware]


A Virginia slave child in 1863

Afro-American historical family record

Specimen sheet Union, patriotic and humorous designs upon envelopes

Proclamation of Emancipation. By the President of the United States of America.

Diorama - Washington at Yorktown

Centennial commemoration at Philadelphia [ticket]

The happy negro. [graphic] / J.F.

West India fashionables. [graphic] : On a visit in style. Taking a ride. / J.F.

A West India sportsman. [graphic] : Make haste with the sangaree Quashie and tell Quaco to drive the birds up to me - I'm ready. / J.F.

Rev. Richard Allen, founder of the American Methodist Episcopal Church, in the United States of America, 1779.
