Home where genius dwells "Our" Head-Quarters! (late "New Idea") Concert Saloon, : No. 609 Chestnut Street, (above Sixth.) Sole lessee and proprietor, Chas. St. Clair Superintendent, J.J. Fullerton Leader of orchestra, J.K. Search Stage manager, J.M. Mortimer Another great week of fun, the cry is still they come! Xtraordinary. Xamine. Xtra anouncement [sic]. First week of the original contraband, Fred Sharpley in his local songs and dances. Also, first week of the beautiful Ella Zoyara Forrest who will appear nightly in the original zouave drill dance, in full costume. Second week of Miss Annie Stattler, the young and beautiful queen of song. Continued success of the old favorites, who are received nightly with unbounded applause. Miss Sallie Brooks, the young and beautiful vocalist. Billy Porter, versatile performer. George Jones, the ham-fat man. Johnny Riley, general performer. Joe M. Mortimer banjo soloist and stump orator. Come and see The conscript: or, How to be exempted First week of the grand Uproar at the academy or, A manager in a tight place. By the whole company. New minstrel scenes! New solos, new songs, new dances, new burlesques, &c. Don't fail to come. The whole to conclude with the new plantation walk-around, entitled Uncle Sam Grant Admission (including refreshments) 10 cts. Come & see. No boys admitted