The "Tribe of Asa!" One night only. : At [blank] On [blank] The Hutchinson Family grateful to their numerous friends and patrons for the continued success and increased crowds which have thronged their concerts in days of "Auld Lang Syne," respectfully announce in this, their twenty-third annual musical pilgrimage through their native land, one concert on the above evening, all will appear, Asa, Lizzie, Abby, Freddy and Little Dennett singing their songs of home, hope and happiness! Faith, freedom and fraternity! The good time coming, and the flag and our Union forever! Together with the productions of Whittier, Longfellow, Morris, Saxe, Root, and Work, Miss Edna Dean Proctor, Lucy Larcum and Florence Percy, besides several original compositions by the Hutchinsons, ... Doors open, quarter of 7 o'cl'k. Commences, quarter of 8 Admission, 25 cts. Children under 12 years, 15 cts No postponement. / Seth C. Chace, agent.