A great fraud. : The true object of democratic institutions is to promote the security, happiness, freedom, and prosperity of the people, under a government of their own framing, and under laws enacted by the representatives of their own choice.---The government of the Unites Staes [sic] is of this kind. Politicians, ambitious of place and power, and who have for more than thirty years plotted the overthrow of democracy, have during all that time been guilty of a great fraud on the workingmen of the country. ... In the name of democracy they have stirred up the laboring men and have filled the streets of New York with bloodshed, arson, and riots, and have disgraced us in the eyes of the world. ... Workingmen of the Union! The man who advocates such doctrines is not a democrat, but an enemy of democracy, and the foe of every laborer. ... / A democratic workingman.