This eve'ng at 8 o'clock the wonderful stereopticon! : Exhibited for fifteen successive weeks, at the Assembly Buildings. This is a novel and intellectual entertainment, which has received the unqualified approval of distinguished scientific men, travelers, clergymen, teachers, artist [sic], and savans, being pronounced artistic! instructive! and most entertaining! and without an equal as an educational and refining influence. By the aid of the stereopticon, a new and powerful apparatus, tiny stereographs or sun pictures from nature or art are magnified five thousand times, presenting gigantic stereographic pictures, illuminated by the most powerful light known to science. ... America, Europe and the Holy Land ... The resources of the stereopticon are endless Change of programme each evening ... Royal residences. ... Monuments and ruins! ... Noted scenery: ... Objects of special interest: ... Museums and statuary: ... Copies of celebrated paintings by the old masters. Portraits of heroes and statesmen Above we give only a few of a very large collection of views, including panoramas of the most noted cities, and objects in and about those cities. Brief and appropriate remarks accompany each seene [sic]. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 cents