Worrell's Metropolis Varieties! : No. 140 South Third Street. Billy Worrell sole proprietor Veni! Vidi! Vici! The coolest place of amusement in the city. Open every eve'ng with the best and most versatile company in the city. First appearance of Miss Kate Clare the champion jig dancer of the world! In her original character of Young Dinah Snow. Look at the names! Miss Annie West, the beautiful balladist. Miss Fanny Rivers, the graceful danseuse. Miss Lydia White, the celebrated jig dancer. Miss Kate Clare, as Young Dinah Snow. Miss Duprees, Billy Worrell, comic vocalist. Bill La Conta, in his original banjo solo. Frank Howard, in his essence of Ole Virginny. Pop Search, violinist and comic vocalist. Herr Tatzell / Jas. Moore, superintendent. Admission, free.