Laugh and be merry. : Grand concert to be given by the Humane Association, at Washington Hall, south-west corner of Eighth and Spring Garden Streets, on Thursday evening, April 23d, 1863, on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels! will appear in their versatile programme. ... 16,000 years ago: or, The long lost brothers ... Lay low for Furgy! ... The performances will conclude with the laughable pantomime, entitled The village tailor ... Admission, 25 cents Doors open at quarter-before 7; to commence at half-past 7 o'clock. Polite ushers will be in attendance. Front seats reserved for ladies. / Andy Williams, manager. The Philadelphia Minstrels can be engaged, by applying at the drug store, s.w. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue. Notice.--Another grand concert will take place at Washington Hall, on Friday evening, May the 8th, for the "Keystone Opera Troupe," on which occasion the Philadelphia Minstrels are engaged, and will appear in an entire change of programme, concluding with an Ethiopian sketch, written by Andy Williams, entitled Oliver and Bolivar., Grand concert to be given by the Humane Association, at Washington Hall