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4 Minute Men, Independence Hall
Produced for the Committee on Public Information

4 Minute Men, The Capitol
Produced for the Committee on Public Information

American's Immortals, Harold A. Furlong
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Alan Louis Eggers
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Andrew B. Lynch
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Donald M. Call
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Edward J. Marz Jr.
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, George Dilboy
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, George H. Mallon
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Harold W. Roberts
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, James C. Dozier
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Marcellus H. Chiles
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Oscar F. Miller
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Richard H. Hilton
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

America's Immortals, Thomas O. Neibour
Produced for the Victory Liberty Loan Committee

Are You 100% American?
Third Liberty Loan

Are You Working with Schwab?
Issued by Publications Section, Emergency Fleet Corp., Philadelphia

Blood or Bread
Produced for the U. S. Food Administration

British Official War-Exhibit
Produced for the British Relief Committee of the Emergency Aid and the British War Relief Fund of Philadelphia

Building For Health
Produced for the Y.W.C.A.

The Building of the Temple, A Pageant Set to Music
Concert of Philadelphia Orchestra, Memorial Hall.
