Wagner & M'Guigan's lithographic drawing, engraving, and printing establishment. [graphic] : Wagner & McGuigan, respectfully call the attention of the public to the superior facilities to be found at their extensive establishment, employing upwards of forty presses, together with the most efficient artistical skill in the various branches of the art, enables them to produce all work equal to an establishment in the country. Transferring from steel and copper plates, wood cuts, stone and manuscript. We particularly recommend this branch of our business to the notice of those having plates of this description, as millions of impressions may be printed with but little wear to the original plate, and at a far greater speed than from the copperplate press, at very moderate cost. Business men can be supplied with thousands of circulars in their own handwriting, at a few hours' notice. Surveyors, draughtsmen, and others, desiring to execute their own plans, circulars, price currents, &c, for transferring, will be furnished with suitable paper and ink, free of charge.