Wagner & M'Guigan, respectfully invite the attention of the public to their extensive lithographic establishment no. 4 Athenian Building, Franklin Place, north of no. 111 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. [graphic] : Lithography in all its branches, portraits, landscape, anatomy, geology, botany, architecture, machinery, store views, title pages, certificates, steamboats, pattern books, country and town maps, plans circulars, commercial blanks, &c. Transferring from steel and copper-plate, wood cuts &c. This branch of the business is under their own immediate supervision, and having the assistance of the ablest work men enables them to produce work of a superior order in this line. Illuminated color printing unique and magnificent illustrations for books, title pages, certificates, show cards, labels, stores, hotels, manufactories, printed in various colors, bronzes, &c. All orders promptly attended to.