Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrels will give a grand parlor entertainment! : At [blank] on [blank] eve'ng, [blank] 1863 Admission [blank] cts. Children, [blank] cts. The most complete traveling band in the profession, composed of distinguished artists. Novelties and new attractions, fun, music, frolic and mirth, to drive care away and cheer the drooping heart. Determination to please and amuse. Every member a prominent star! in his own line of business. The ladies are particularly invited to witness the entertainment of the great nonpareil company. Ferdinand & Solomon's Minstrel's programme! will consist of new songs, dances, acts, glees, choruses, ballads, burlesques lectures, funny sayings, banjo, violin and bone solos, accordeon solos, imitation bagpipes, &c. &c. Look at the names! Mr. Frank Solomon, accordeonist and violinist of the original Virginia Serenaders. Mr. Chas. La Borde, the pleasing balladist and versatile performer. Mr. J. Ferdinand, the inimitable Brudder Bones and lion banjoist, known throughout all the principal cities as the people's favorite The evening's entertainment will conclude with a laughable afterpiece! Doors open at half-past 7. Commence at 8, precisely Come early! Fron seats reserved for ladies. Strict order will be observed during the performance. No postponement on account of the weather. / Dr. R.T. Caldwell, agent., Ferdinand and Solomon's Minstrels will give a grand parlor entertainment