Sanford's new Opera House Race Street, between Second & Third, : the temple of minstrelsy in which are given chaste and drawing-room amusements, by Sanford's Opera Troupe! comprising a combination of vocalists, musicians, comedians & artists of the highest order of merit! The convenient locality of this elegant institution, (being accessible by city passenger cars,) recommends itself to every citizen and stranger. Music, song and poetry is the theme for all, and in the manner presented by Sanford, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers may attend and enjoy a treat free from all that could offend the most fastidious. ... Look at the novelty Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th 1864. Programme. ... Der Deitcher's dog, ... Sublime & ridiculous! ... To conclude with T.D. Rice's farce of The Virginia mummy ... East Lynne on Thursday ev'ng On Monday next, the wonder of the world. Cards of admission, 25 cents Orchestra seats, 50 cts Private boxes, dress circle, $5 Private boxes, family circle, $4 & $3 Office will be open from 9 to 2 o'clock, for the sale of secured seats and boxes, without extra charge. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock. To commence quarter before 8, Temple of minstrelsy