Volunteer & Substitute Agency, No. 243 Broadway, (opp. City Hall Park.) New York City, December, 1864. : Sir, We beg leave to call your attention to the following facts:-- 1st. That a call for a large number of volunteers will undoubtly soon be made by the president ... and a draft ordered ... 2d. That each substitute now furnished in anticipation of such draft will lessen the quota of the city, ... 3d. That after a call for troops has been made, the agents of many if not all the counties of this state resort to this metropolis for the procurement of volunteers and substitutes, ... / Most respectully, you obedient servants, A. Lyons & Co. P.S.--Orders by post of notes requiring our personal attendance at the residence of our patrons, will be promptly attended to., Sir, We beg leave to call your attention to the following facts, We beg leave to call your attention to the following facts