Grand concert for the benefit of George S. Morfeit, : to be given at the Girard Hall, S.W. corner of Sixth and Girard Avenue, Wednesday eve'ng, March 11, '63 by the Continental Minstrels consisting of the following named persons: A. Jones, P. Williamson, G. Albert, J. Side, H. Baker, G. White, E. Shaw, A. Shaw. For which occasion they have engaged the world-renowned Rose & Burr's Opera Troupe! at an enormous expense, who will appear in their pleasing programme. ... Slight skirmish: or, The best way to settle it. ... Seeing the elephant, ... Black blunders, ... The whole to conclude with a laughable piece, entitled Le bal masque ... Admission, 15 cents Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Concert to commence at half-past 7 Front seats reserved for ladies. Polite ushers in attendance. / Billy Rose, stage manager N.B.--Rose & Burr's Opera Troupe can be engaged, by applying at 805 Girard Avenue.