The fourth entertainment of the Geary Thespian Corps, of the 28th Regiment, Penn'a Vol's, (Col. John W. Geary,) : will be given in commemoration of Washington's birth-day, at Camp Goodman, Point of Rocks, Md. on Saturday evening, February 22, 1862, (or if inclement, on the first fair evening) at six o'clock. ... The drama, in three acts, of Don Caesar de Bazan. ... The farce of Turning the tables. ... Ethiopian melange. ... Concluding with a grand national tableau vivante, by members of the corps. Introducing Vive l'America, by the band. The principal dresses used in Don Caesar de Bazan, have been kindly loaned the regiment by S. Samuels Sanford, Esq., of Sanford's Opera House, Philadelphia, to whom the corps is much indebted.