Recruits wanted for the Second Corps! : Now being raised to 50,000 men for special service under the command of Maj. Gen. Hancock. This is the corps commanded by the late Major General Sumner, at Fair Oaks, and through the Peninsula Campaign and at Antietam. It is the corps that under Major General Couch made the gallant assault against the enemy at the first Fredericksburg, and which under Major General Hancock, received the attack of the enemy at Gettysburg, on the 3d of July, capturing 34 stand of colors and several thousand prisoners; and again at Bristoe's Station, on the 14th of October, under Major General Warren, capturing 5 guns, 2 stand of colors and several hundred prisoners. Largest bounties paid to recruits enlisting in the following Philadelphia regiments: 106th, 69th, 71st, 72d, 81st & 116th U.S. bounty, $302 To veterans, $402 City bounty to recruits, $250. Ward, $25 $15 paid to any citizen or soldier bringing an accepted recruit. $20 if the recruit is a veteran. Head-quarters, 134 South Fourth St. / W.L. Curry, Lt. Col. 106th Pa. Vols., recruiting officer.